5 Ways Product Packaging Design Can Influence Consumer Behavior

3 mins read 128 Views December 17, 2020 Designing & Branding
Packaging Design Agency

In marketing, there is a term known as perceived value. This term can be defined as the customer’s perception of a product or service and its desirability to them, compared to the competitor’s product. When you talk about perceived value, various things come to mind. Some connect with an emotional element while some think of the tangible element of the product. In today’s world, the designing and the packaging of a product provides different ways of absorbing and thinking about the product. Designing and the packaging offers both emotional and tangible value to the customer. With such importance, the sheer variety of designing and branding affects consumer behavior from various angles.

The positioning of the brand

The packaging of a product helps in developing loyalty towards the brand from the customer. As you can observe that the common and popular brands have established themselves through their standard colors, symbols, and type of packaging. For instance, the cool drink ruler of the world CocaCola is known for its white letter across the red background. When you consider Nike, people don’t just see it as a shoe but they see it as a lifestyle that they need. This compelling feel is established, not luck instead it is an international brand image. The compelling tagline Just do it with the white tick symbol has done the magic. The consistent style of packing makes it easy for people to find a particular product in their retail store. An important element that you have to keep in mind is that the consumers will analyze the quality, design, size, color, and innovation. The product packaging design companies should design and pack the products accordingly. When your product is kept among the competitor’s products in the same category, it has to stand apart in terms of look and design.

Stimulates the senses of the consumer

Let me ask a simple question, what makes a design and package appealing? The answer to the question will depend on the product that you are buying. If you observe the mineral water bottles sold are always packed in plastic bottles with a blue colored label or green logo because both blue and green relates with the idea of organic and natural while red is not used in water as it is a symbol of danger, or intimacy and you don’t need both when seeing a water bottle.  For instance, a milk carton that is green conjures the idea that it is sour while the same color is great when it comes to packing the garden products. When you walk down the grocery aisle you can see that children’s cereals are often bright in color while high-fiber cereals and healthier options stick to neutral packaging. The brand packaging design, color, typography, and style can speak in its own language to the customers.

The quality is perceived through design

The quality presentation and the design of a product go hand in hand. Most brands use packaging and designing as the mask to cover the quality standard that lies under. You can find that most of the companies use great packaging to attract the customer by creating an image of a high-quality product. The higher the quality of the product, the more appealing will be the packaging. For instance, brands like Apple have always used packaging as a tool to speak for the quality of their product. The packaging that is designed well by a packaging design agency will do the marketing for the products. 

It affects the final decision of the customer

A report reveals that 60 to 70 percent of buying decisions are made by the buyers who are present within the store. Almost everyone leaves the home with a definite list of products that they have to buy but most people do not decide on the brand. The final decision of the brand that they are going to buy is made by the image of the product. A person looking for something luxurious will automatically go to products that look luxurious in packing.

Bottom line

Packaging and designing have more value than you think; they have the power to self-market. Seek the help of a robust agency for retail advertising and design your packaging in such a way that it stands apart from the competitor’s product.